Saturday, December 29, 2012

A little about us

Here are some of our likes and interests. (T = Tyson, S = Sara)

A book I highly recommend is:
T - Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy; Lord of the Rings; Harry Potter
S - The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch; the Fablehaven series; the giant library of children's books we can't wait to share!; Jane Eyre

My favorite flower is:
T - Tulip
S - Daisy

Here we are at Pikes Market in Seattle. While on a trip with Sara's brother and his wife and some friends, we visited Pikes Place Market, a famous place in Seattle, and got what Sara calls the "yummiest and biggest" donut ever. We also went to a football game and a couple Seattle Mariner's baseball games.

A game I like to play is:
T - Basketball, Golf, Trivial Pursuit, Starcraft
S - Just Dance 2, Volleyball, Jenga

The music I listen to most is:
T - Alternative / Indie Rock
S - Top 40
Both - lots and lots of Christmas music during December

Here we are bowling on New Year's day - our family tradition
We're not exactly sure how this came about but one day, we decided to go curling. Random. We know. We got a bunch of friends, signed up for a class, and had a great time. Just like the Olympics. We love doing random, fun things like this together.

My favorite band is:
T - Relient K
S - Dashboard Confessional, Taylor Swift

Sara love this picture of Tyson - we have been to Hawaii twice now, and both times have logged many miles in convertibles just driving from beach to beach. This is Tyson at Sunset Point (at sunset!).

A movie I watch over and over is:
T - Lord of the Rings
S - Legally Blonde, The Holiday, Leap Year

A TV show I watch regularly is:
T - The Big Bang Theory, Mythbusters, Deadliest Catch, Jeopardy
S - The Big Bang Theory, White Collar, Doctor Who, Jeopardy, The Office

While in Hawaii on our honeymoon, we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. Although Tyson likes to "try" and play the guitar, Sara was definitely better on the ukulele. We're both huge music fans.

My favorite quote is:
T - Hard work is greater than talent.
S - Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Thoreau

Here we are at an outdoor concert. We enjoy going to a variety of events together (as you can see in our various pictures) and we look forward to family trips to parks, libraries, the zoo, and other fun places, near and far.

My favorite thing to buy is:
T - BYU gear - I've got to have something to wear to all those games
S - bags, coats, shoes

I love to collect:
T - baseball cards, books, BYU stuff
S - books, bags
Both - nativity sets (we display them at Christmas)

This is Tyson's family (minus Tyson's older sister's little girl). Tyson has an older sister, a younger brother, and a younger sister. The five crazy nephews (and new niece) keep everything fun and exciting. We are also expecting a new addition to the family - Tyson's brother and wife are expecting a little girl in January.
This is Sara's family. Sara and her brother have always been close. Sara's brother and sis-in-law were recently blessed to adopt a little boy! We all love him sooo much!
If I could afford anything at this moment, I would buy:
T - a ski resort
S - a big family vacation

If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be:
T - my wife & puppy, my signed Jimmer jersey, my phone
S - my hubby & puppy, pictures/scrapbooks, my Halloween quilt

Not much to say about this picture other than it's us with Legolas from Lord of the Rings and Justin Bieber. Every year, on Christmas Eve, we invite a bunch of neighbors over for brunch (in pajamas of course). We also invite our famous cardboard friends.

A smell that makes me pause is:
T - fresh cut grass
S - outside right after it rains

As you know by now, Tyson is a big sports fan. More recently, both of us have gotten into soccer. We go to our friends' kids' games and even follow our own teams in the English Premier League. One day, we hope to go to England to watch a game in person.

Tyson loves this picture. We're just at a game, enjoying the evening. Nothing too exciting or special - just out having a good time. We can't wait to bring kids along (or attend their own events!).

My favorite sport to watch is:
T - college football
S - college basketball & British soccer & the Olympics

One of the things we love doing together is going to baseball games. Whenever we visit a different city or state, we make sure we get tickets to a game. Sara loves the hot dogs and Tyson grew up playing baseball so it works out great.

The city I would most like to visit is:
T - Anywhere in the Alps
S - London, Venice, and Rome

My favorite restaurant is:
T - Zupas, Olive Garden
S - Olive Garden, Mt. Fuji

Utah is a beautiful place and living near the mountains (and ski resorts) is awesome. A few hours south, you can find some breathtaking scenery. Here is Tyson sitting on a rock while Sara takes a picture (from an equally precarious position).

A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was:
T - when I was in waist-deep powder during a blizzard at Snowbird.
S - when I was resting on a beach on our honeymoon.

My favorite meal is:
T - King Crab & Pepsi
S - homemade lasagna, salad, homemade garlic bread and chocolate milk

Of the two of us, Sara is definitely the morning person. It's no surprise that she was the first one up when we were camping next to the Colorado River just outside Arches National Park in Southern Utah.

My earliest memory is:
T - chopping firewood with my dad.
S - goofing off with my brother.

My first paying job was:
T - an office manager
S - at a water park

One of Tyson's favorite holidays is Christmas. He particularly loves Christmas lights. He puts up a ton on our house and enjoys driving around to look at other's. Tyson's sister has 5 boys and a girl so you can imagine how crazy Christmas morning is!

The memory that still makes me laugh is:
T - the time we rolled a bunch of pumpkins down a hill--it was hilarious-good clean fun
S - being in Florence, Italy with my mom in a strange hotel and accidentally flooding the room ... no real damage, but we sat on the bed and laughed until we cried.

Both of our families have fun Easter egg hunts and keep it interesting for the adults by putting cash in some of the eggs. It's fun to watch the adults try and outrun the kids (it doesn't happen often).

My best birthday was:
T - 30th when my wife invited over tons of my friends and their kids and we just hung out and played games the whole night.
S - every year, but especially my 16th - my friends had planned surprises all day.

A smell that reminds me of my childhood is:
T - fresh baked bread
S - my grandpa's cologne

Tyson's little sister got married in Los Angeles, so we flew out to California. The reception was at the Santa Monica Pier; here we are, all dressed up, hanging out at the beach.

My favorite color to wear is:
T - blue
S - red
(you should see our closet - one side is all red/purple/pink ... the other is all blue - pretty funny!)

My strangest possession is:
T - a lucky stuffed animal
S - a crosswalk button

Sara is afraid of heights but that didn't stop her from jumping into a hot air balloon with Tyson. Tyson loves a good adventure and is always looking for someone to come with him. Skiing, bmx, hiking, whatever.

My favorite dessert is:
T - brownie and ice cream
S - gelato (Italian ice cream)

When I exercise, I like to:
T - run, cycle, sports (all of them)
S - zumba, yoga

Tyson planned this surprise birthday party for Sara; we went on a wagon ride with a group of friends. We've known these girls (and their sisters) basically since they were born; Tyson met their dad in law school and we've been close friends since.

My favorite thing to do on a date is:
T - go somewhere fun/special
S - laugh with my cute husband

The best vacation I ever had was:
T - my honeymoon and a trip to Dallas with my dad to see BYU play in the Cotton Bowl.
S - my trip to Europe with my mom and my honeymoon

We love traveling and being outside. This last summer we took a road trip with Tyson's parents to visit Yellowstone National Park. We look forward to many similar trips with our own family.

The thing I am most passionate about is:
T - BYU sports
S - family

My favorite season is:
T - Winter
S - Summer

We met in law school and are both practicing lawyers (although Sara does some computer programming too). A few years back, we went to Washington D.C. and were "sworn in" (admitted to practice) before the U.S. Supreme Court. It was a unique and special experience.

My favorite holiday is:
T - Christmas
S - Halloween and birthdays (and of course I love Christmas - how can you not?)

Sara loves Halloween; it is one of her favorite holidays. She always gets the house "spooked" out. In this picture, we went to a local corn maze with some family. And just FYI, the maze is David Archuleta.

My most hated household chore is:
T - scrapping ice off windshields or laundry
S - cleaning toilets (fortunately, Tyson always cleans 'em ... and I do the laundry)

Name an unusual talent you have:
T - riding BMX bikes, hula hooping
S - using power tools, licking my elbow (almost), hula hooping

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