Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day & the Best Card Ever!

This post is coming a week late, but I figure better late then never. For anyone wishing, praying, and hoping to add a little one to their family and having no luck, there are some holidays that can be tough. Mother's Day is one of those - and probably the hardest one for me.

This Mother's Day was still hard, but I had some wonderful support and love shown to me ... and some wonderful surprises. Tyson went out of his way to take care of me, to celebrate the mother I want to be, and to show how much he loves me. That was wonderful! He even surprised me with a yummy candy bouquet filled with my favorite candy bars. I have to admit that Tyson usually goes out of his way to do all of those things, but I could tell that he was trying extra hard all weekend - and it was very nice.

The most surprising part of the day came when we were leaving to drive to my parent's house for dinner and we found a bag on our porch. Inside was the sweetest Mother's Day card EVER! One of our dear friends - the best 8-year old around - had dropped off a hand-made card with a Snicker's candy bar taped to it.

Here's a picture of the inside:

In case you can't quite read the text, it goes something like this:
"Dear Sara I hope you have a very good mothers day and a very good sunday From Joey W. PS I think you will be a fabulous mom one day. PSS you will rock! PSSS you rock. PSSSS I hope you have the Best Day in The WORLD!"

He even drew some pictures that I love! I don't think he will ever know how much I appreciated that card - and the thought behind it. We really are blessed to live in a wonderful neighborhood with awesome friends (old and young). We have some really outstanding kids around (including Joey and all of his siblings) - and I can't wait until we have some kids of our own running around the neighborhood - playing with and looking up to these awesome friends! And hopefully sooner than later, I'll get my chance to be a "fabulous mom"!

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